Doing your own plumbing repairs can have many benefits. You can save money by not having to call a plumber and pay for their labor. You can also gain a sense of accomplishment by learning new skills and completing tasks yourself.In this article you will find a few ideas that you could find to be very handy.
Certain things shouldn't go into your plumbing system. By knowing what you can and cannot flush or throw into the garbage disposal and sink, you can save yourself from a costly repair or disaster. A plumber can usually get your plumbing back into working condition, but can be avoided if you know how to dispose of items correctly.
If you have a clogged drain, don't use cleaning chemicals to try to clear the clog. These harsh chemicals can corrode your metal pipes leading to leaks and broken pipes over time. Instead, stick to a plunger or make use of a plumbing snake to clear them.
Always have cold water running when you are using your garbage disposal. Cold water keeps the blades sharpened, giving you optimal performance whenever it is used. If you use hot water instead of cold, it will turn any fat into liquid and cause the fat to clog your pipes when it later cools and solidifies.
Always keep your garbage disposal clean. You can do this in many ways. Pour some dish soap in and let the disposal run for a few minutes with some cold water. Be sure to run it regularly, if not, it can cause rust. To eliminate foul odors, grind lemon or other citrus peels. You can clean the walls of the disposal by grinding small fruit pits or egg shells.
Don't shrug off that trickle coming from your toilet as a small problem. Even the tiniest leak can be quite expensive in the long run as you end up wasting potentially hundreds of gallons of water. See if you can find the root of the leak, or seek out professional advice, and keep your toilet running efficiently.
Do not be surprised if a plumber charges you more than you expected. Many customers think that fixing a toilet or other drainage problem should be easy, therefore the price should be low. You must remember that not only does a plumber have to charge for labor, but they have to charge for parts that you need.
Is your toilet leaking? Find out by putting some food color in the tank and then check the bowl later. If there is colored water in the bowl, the toilet has an internal leak. To fix an internal leak you can simply replace the tank's ball or flapper.
Try to limit the amount of hair that goes down your drains. Hair can become tangled up in the pipe and end up blocking up the them, preventing water from flowing smoothly. Buy a cheap screened drain cover to put over your drain to stop any hair from going down and clean it off regularly.
To get the best possible price from a plumber, shop around and keep notes. When you get a price quote from the first plumber you call, you can subtly mention that price to the second and see if they will beat it. If you keep doing this down a list, you can drive down the price considerably.
If you have a water pressure or fill problem throughout the whole house, do not panic. It could be the simplest of solutions. Sometimes the city flushes their systems, breaking up debris and sending it to homes. This requires cleaning drains effectively and strainers in order to resolve the problem.
To lessen the amount of hair going into your home plumbing, thoroughly brush hair and use a body brush to remove loose body hair before entering the shower or bath. If it's been a while since you have shaved your legs or face, use an electric razor to remove the longer hair, before shaving in the sink or shower.
Look at your hot water heater and make sure that the temperature is not higher than 120 degrees Fahrenheit. If it is, it could cause you to get burned or it could reduce the unit's energy consumption. If you determine that the temperature is too high, adjust immediately to avoid any of these things from happening.
A great plumbing tip which can save you a lot of money on a daily basis is to invest in a low GPF (gallons per flush) model toilet. As such, every time you flush the toilet you will be using less water than before, and doing so will save you on your water bill.
If you work as a professional plumber, think about taking an apprentice with you. This approach provides cheap labor, and it may also help to develop a future business partner.
You should consider getting a stainless steel sink if you are in need of a new sink. Stainless steel sinks are much better than other ones for many reasons. They are more durable, they absorb shock, they are easier to clean, and they go with almost any decor.
Is your shower pressure weak due to clogging of the openings in your shower head? Here is a simple and cost-effective tip to take care of that problem. Pour a cup of vinegar into a plastic bag, place it over the shower head, and twist tie it into place so it can soak overnight. In the morning, remove the plastic bag and use an old toothbrush to scrub off the mineral deposits which are clogging the openings. This will help to restore water flow and increase shower pressure.
There is no doubt that many of the common maintenance and repair jobs that need doing on your plumbing are things that you are well capable of. You just need to adopt a cautious and methodical approach. Don't rush anything or take chances and you'll be fine. And, if you're a husband, you can score major brownie points with your wife!
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