Have you ever poured grease from a pan down your sink? Do you know how bad this can be for your plumbing system? Use the expert advice in this article for many more critical tips and tricks that you need to know in regards to your home plumbing. To avoid clogs, pay attention to what you flush. Sanitary napkins, thick toilet paper and baby wipes should never be flushed. These items can expand and cause a clog, or get caught on a pipe. Instead, dispose of them in a sanitary way that does not involve flushing them down the toilet. If your water pipe has frozen, start water running in the faucet closest to the frozen pipe. This will give excess water somewhere to drain as the ice in the pipe thaws. Letting the water drain out will relieve pressure in the frozen pipe, which will reduce the chances of it bursting and damaging your home. Use a hairdryer to thaw frozen pipes, after you shut off the water to the house. A hairdryer will gently heat the pipe and thaw the ice without causing signi...