A collection of tips on how to be successful at plumbing makes the perfect starting point for a beginner. Below is just such a collection that will hopefully assist the eager novice into eventually becoming a pro when it comes to plumbing. If your pipes are making a racket, there is a simple way to quiet them down. Anchor any easily-accessible loose pipes. Get a professional to anchor any hidden pipes if you do not wish to do some work in your floors or walls by yourself. Use the sounds you hear from your pipes to help you to determine what they problem is. Certain sounds mean the water pressure is too high. Other sounds can signify loose pipes or slight clogs from calcium or iron build up. Listening to your pipes can save you a lot of money hunting down the problem. Don't pay a plumber until the job is completed. A plumber may require some money upfront, but it's wise to wait until the job is completely done before giving him the entire payment. Many things can happen between ...