Plumbing does not have to be as complicated as most people make it out to be. There are some basic things that you need to know about plumbing systems, as well as, having the necessary tools to do your own repairs. This article may have a few useful tips and tricks that you can add to your tool belt. As the weather begins to get cold, attend to all of your exposed pipes by adding insulation to them. Pay particular attention to pipes located in crawl spaces and the outside walls of your residence. Taking this step will help ensure that your pipes continue to function throughout the winter. Use your garbage disposal with the cold water running so that you can preserve the blades of the disposal. Using hot water makes grease more liquid and can cause problems, including clogs. Make sure to clean blades by putting in a little dish detergent and run cold water at the same time. Iron will cause orange or pink stains in and on your fixtures if you have a well. A water softener will take care ...